
Robina Doctors Specialist and Allied Health Referrals are available to all patients. We try to find you the best option to meet your needs.

Specialist Referral Procedure

When a Specialist appointment is required, the Doctor needs to write a letter to the Specialist Clinic either in Private Practice or at the Public Hospital. An appointment is required to discuss the referral letter and the intended outcome.

The referral letter is faxed to the Private Practice or Public Hospital as soon as possible. In most cases the Referral letter is done on the same day, however in some cases it may take up to a week to complete a letter. If you require a copy of your referral letter, please let the Receptionist know before you leave the Clinic.

Private Referrals
The Nurse or Receptionist will provide you with contact details of the Specialist or Service Provider and you are expected to confirm your own appointment.

If there is sufficient time, the Nurse or Receptionist will assist you by making the appointment for you and informing you of the details. It is still your responsibility to re-confirm details with the Specialist or Service provider.

The Specialist or Service Provider will send a report back to the Doctor. You can request a copy of this report to be sent directly to you at the time of the service.

Please make an appointment one week after your Specialist visit to discuss the recommendations of the Specialist.

If a recall is required for a follow up test or appointment in the future the Nurse will load it into our system and you should receive a reminder notice both from us and the Service Provider when it is due. Our system is only a back up to the Specialist or Service Provider system and we cannot accept any responsibility for the failings of Private Specialist providers.

Hospital Clinic Referrals

In most cases you will receive an acknowledgement of an appointment letter from the hospital within 4 weeks of the referral being faxed. If you do not receive this letter, please contact the Nurse.

We do not have any reliable system to ensure that your Hospital Referral is acted upon by the Public Hospital. It is therefore your responsibility to ensure that if you do not receive an appointment or acknowledgement letter, that you contact us 4 weeks after you have seen the Doctor.

Following your appointment, the Doctor will in most cases receive a letter from the Specialist Clinic. The timely receipt of these letters is often variable in the Public Hospital system.

Please make an appointment two weeks after your Hospital Specialist visit to discuss the Specialist recommendations.

If a recall is required for a follow up test or appointment in the future the Nurse will load it into our system and you should receive a reminder notice both from us and the Public Hospital when it is due. Our system is only a back up to the Hospital System and we cannot assume any responsibility for the failings of the Public Hospital System.

If you are not contacted within two weeks of seeing the Public Hospital, then please contact the Nurse.